FSSAI restricts the use of Heme Iron
Effective 31 st May 2017, FSSAI restricts the use of Heme Iron as the source of iron in any food or food Ingredients. As per Food Safety and Standards Act (2006) section 16 (5), FSSAI directs the food safety commissioners and authorities on the use of Iron sources in the food & food ingredients. Heme Iron There are two types of Dietry Iron : Heme Iron and Non-Heme Iron. Heme Iron is derived from animals and Non-Heme Iron is derived from plants. Heme Iron are the components of Hemoglobin and Hemoprotein. Red meat is a great source of Heme Iron. Meat, Fish , poultry consists of Heme Iron. Wherein Non-heme irons are predominantly found in Grains, Nuts, Fruits and vegetables. Non-Heme Irons are the irons majorly consumed by Humans through their diet and medicines. It is mainly found in plant based foods, fortified foods and the Iron pills. The absorption rate is much higher in Heme Iron than the Non-heme iron. Hence Heme-Iron plays a major role as a sup...