Connecting to the Environment

We all discuss and debate on preserving and protecting the environment. In fact we need to realize that the environment is protecting and creating us a platform to survive and not the other way round. If we spoil it, we face the consequences!
We can’t just protect and preserve something unless and until we are emotionally connected to it. Why do we thrive hard to protect our family? We are emotionally attached to our family and we enjoy the peace and love we get in such atmosphere. If we are not emotionally connected to our family, we don't try to protect or preserve it and thus spoil the peaceful atmosphere we have around. This will eventually affect our inner peace of mind which will be reflected both in our personal and professional life.
Same way environment makes a great impact on our lives. It creates the positivity and negativity in our life. We can preserve the environment only when we are emotionally connected to them. When you travel to a place where you spent your childhood days and you see a tree where you had played with your childhood friends, don’t you emotionally feel moved by such lovely memories? We all admit it’s a wonderful nostalgia.
But do we preserve such memories for our next generation? What childhood memories they can relate to the environment when they spent most of their times with Gadgets and other technologies.
When they grow up with no emotional bond with the environment how can we even expect them to even think about protecting or preserving a factor to which they are nowhere related to.
On this environmental day (05-June-2017) hosted by Canada with the theme of “Connecting People to Nature”, let’s focus more on how we engage our next generation to emotionally bind with the environment and thus making the world a better place to live for the next generations to come.
After all we are just passing phases in the earth. And not for the Earth!
